Friday, November 23, 2012

MTN Update 3

After their letter in update 2, I wrote back to MTN on 21 November 2012 with what's below. Predictably, I have heard nothing more from them, which, along with the rest of the evidence, speaks for itself:

Dear Fusi and others

Your email suggests that you feel I have harassed some MTN staff. I am interested to hear how. I called Dawn and politely requested follow up from the people I had emailed. The email you refer to is polite and legitimate, too.

My legal advisers tell me that harassment can only be claimed where the person on the receiving end has no obligation to the other. In MTN's case, you have extensive obligations to me as your customer of 18 years. It is possible and probable that you are in breach of the Consumer Protection Act.

It is my right as a consumer to expect to receive updates from you on the issues I have raised. I have received no updates from:
  • Karel Pienaar, to whom I wrote
  • Bridget Bhengu, who committed to following up in her email but did not do so, even after I had to write back to her
  • Eddie Moyce, whom someone named Roberto said he would speak to some months back and get back to me
  • Fred, the operations man for the region my local store falls under, who said that he had escalated my complaint
  • Mariano, the store manager at Bedford Centre.

I expect not only professional solutions from you as a service provider, but common decency from all individuals as human beings. For example, I called Dawn to speak to Karel. I said that whomever she spoke to and got to contact me, I still expected to hear from him, as it is to him that I took the time and effort to write.

I have in no way and at any time threatened the safety of your employees or customers, and nor will I. Your threat of legal action is not only unfounded but indicative of your lack of understanding of and engagement with all the writing I have done to address this and to help you. It is a defensive reaction that reveals cause for concern, in terms of you respecting me as a customer and human being, in terms of your business competence and legal expertise, and in terms of suggesting that you have something to hide.

Your co-operation will be appreciated. It is your organisation who works for me, not the other way round. Somehow, you seem to have got this mixed up.

The aforementioned Roberto said that I would receive a R1000 refund on the account for the Home Owners' Association that I represent. This has not been put into effect and has never reflected on the account. Again it is left  to me to follow up, when that is your duty.

Roberto said that he gained value from our lengthy phone conversation, at the beginning of which I explained that I offer such input for a living. He further expressed interest in my services and explained that he would speak to his superior, Eddie Moyce, and get back to me to arrange discussing my helping MTN further. Neither he nor Eddie got back to me.

Please note, in case it is not clear to you, that my goal here is a win/win situation. It is not adversarial, and in no way ambiguous. I have rights as a consumer and you have obligations as a service provider. I am one of those customers who does not walk away, and does not succumb to threats, but who cares enough to feed back to you what you need to hear to get better.

Further, I am an even more rare case, in that I am uniquely skilled at helping businesses fix such problems, innovative to the point of being visionary. Any threat you feel is from your side, not from me. I am simply and uncompromisingly committed to making this work for everyone, namely shareholders, management, employees, customers and the community at large.

I am enthusiastic about making this an exemplary case, and would, as I have said repeatedly and with persistence and versatile patience, appreciate your co-operation.

All best wishes

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