Friday, November 9, 2012

General Motors Cresta Update 1

Good Afternoon Mr Wheeler,

Please accept my humblest apologies for the incident relating to the SMS’s you received this past weekend and be assured that our intention is not to upset or aggravate anyone but simply to allow you the opportunity to take part in our offer should you so wish to do so.

We have previously requested that your details be removed from our database which has obviously not been done and I have personally requested this to be done again today and will send you confirmation once this has been actioned.

Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to address your concerns and we will endeavour to try and improve our standards of service.  


Raymond Thomson
Dealer Principal

I replied as follows but have not heard from him again:

Hi Raymond

I understand your intention but you do not seem to care for what I have spelled out clearly for you. It is wrong, as are your business practices. Your apology means less than nothing as does your claim to endeavour to improve your standards of service.

I sent you an invoice but you did not acknowledge it or the email. Do you think I was joking? All my effort for you to ignore it? Did you read my blog where I described my experience with your company? Do you think that will just go away?

I asked you to call me repeatedly. Do you think your email is an acceptable substitute? It's polite but totally dismissive. You are surely going to continue with your SMS campaign.

I can see that further and firmer action is required.

Best wishes

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