Friday, November 9, 2012

MTN Update 1

After I posted the first MTN story on this blog on 5 November 2012, I sent the following email to the CEO of MTN, Karel Pienaar, and General Manager Group Communications, Xoliswa Vaphi, via their personal assistants:

Dear Karel and Xoliswa, c/o Dawn and Lenka

This is to let you know about my campaign, 'Suing for Service', launched last month, in which I am taking corporate service providers to task in the media and, if necessary, the courts, to ensure that they deliver on their brand promises.

One of the companies from whom I have personally had ongoing bad service is MTN, and the introductory story is on the 'Suing for Service' blog here: 

The blog also contains the press releases and other campaign exposure, with other cases of bad service and solutions.

My objective is a win/win outcome for all stakeholders, and I have a solution that will help internal operations and external branding and communications.

I look forward to helping you get much better at what you do. One way or another, I am committed to achieve this, so I hope that we can work together sooner rather than later.

All best wishes

I heard nothing from either person but received this email on 8 November:

Dear Mr. Wheeler

MTN would like to thank you for alerting us to your ‘Suing for Service’ campaign and we certainly respect the fact that you have taken the time to contact us directly and share your blog and personal experience with us.  As always, MTN takes this type of feedback very seriously and will treat it with the consideration it deserves.

As a first point of departure, an MTN representative will be contacting you shortly to discuss your concerns and suggestions in more detail, to allow us to fully understand the nature of your experience and undertake our own internal investigation as to the context around your experience complaint.

Alternatively, please feel free to place your concerns in writing and forward them directly to me, to ensure I am able to manage this and MTN will fully investigate the nature of your complaints and revert with a response reasonable to all parties concerned.

As a customer, we value your input and feedback and once again thank you for your mail.

Kind Regards,

Bridget Bhengu
Public Relations & Communication

It doesn't look to me like she has even read the blog that she claims to take very seriously. I have not received their call yet either.

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