Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Second Press Release

This second press release went out yesterday:

‘Suing for Service’ campaign gains momentum

This is an update on the ‘Suing for Service’ campaign launched on 10 October 2012, about which I sent you the initial press release.
  • Destiny Man magazine (for which I write the leadership column) ran an article called ‘Stand for Service’ on their website and social media
  • Destiny magazine ran the ‘Stand for Service’ article on their site and social media
  • Entrepreneur Magazine South Africa ran a story about ‘Suing for Service’ on their site and social media, and
  • The Star Workplace ran an article in print on 24 October 2012.

All of these, with the original press release, are available on the campaign blog: www.suingforservice.blogspot.com

Also on the blog are descriptions so far of two of the cases, Siemens and CNA. More will follow in the coming weeks.

Thank you for reading. If you would like my help to cover the story, please contact me:

Robin Wheeler

I have compelling cases and penetrating insights to share that make for good media and show that consumers have power. The outcome is a win/win for consumers and service providers.


Entrepreneur, author and international speaker Robin Wheeler is leading a campaign called ‘Suing for Service’ in which he is confronting corporations publicly and using the law to improve service levels. Using his personal experience as a consumer and his entrepreneurial expertise, Wheeler is taking big business to task in the media and, if necessary, in court to ensure that they fulfil their brand promises.

The campaign is geared to:
1.       Change bad service to good
2.       Stir up and galvanise consumer awareness and action
3.       Tell success stories as proof and examples.

The approach is to compel companies into doing what customers want and what the companies themselves claim to want but never make real effort to bring about.

Visit www.bentrepreneuring.com or the ‘Suing for Service’ site www.suingforservice.blogspot.com.

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