Thursday, October 11, 2012

Stand For Service : Destiny / Destiny Man

This article ran today on and

Stand for Service by Robin Wheeler : Destiny Man
Stand for Service by Robin Wheeler : Destiny Connect

I have a particular problem with bad service. Like everyone else, I am faced with it every day, everywhere I go, but my conundrum is that I speak and consult on improving it for a living. So any complaints turn into professional service.

The benefit of being in a corner like this is that I stop at nothing to claim my worth and get results. Service should be good in the first place. Companies are making big money out of us. So I charge for my professional feedback, and I fight tooth and nail until I am satisfied as a customer.

Of course, the corporate bullies pretend not to understand, and they put their legal departments onto me to try to scare me off. I charge them for that too, and take it as an indication that they are hiding something. I dig deeper and hit harder.

Now I have compiled my personal experiences with unacceptable service providers into a campaign called ‘Suing for Service’, and taken it to the market. My sense is that consumers everywhere have the same difficulties and are ready to take action with the right impetus and sense of possibility.

I am stirring things up and holding everyone in these companies personally responsible, in the media and courts if necessary, for getting things right. If I go into a mall and have bad experiences, those corporations are contributing negatively to my wellbeing. I will not settle for it.

My message is: stand for service. Wherever you are, use your voice. Channel your frustration into shifts and solutions. Engage around it in the press. Never give up.

Suggestions for confronting service

  • Take service providers on. Show them what you expect and how to do things right. Then charge the management for your service. Get clever and creative, always focused on the solution not the problem.
  • Stay conscious and uncompromising. Watch your emotions so they don’t control you, then channel them into change. Breakthroughs are just on the other side of the veil of appearances.
  • Stay conscious. This is the essence of intelligence. Use experiences as spiritual practice. You will grow!
  • Strengthen your resolve and arguments. With each bad service experience, sharpen your inner sword. Soon you will be a change agent in full swing.
  • Bear in mind that people know what to do, they are not doing it because of the system and their choices. Help them see and shift so that you leave a stirred-up and stimulated environment in your wake.
  • Staff may look at you like you are mad, getting ruder and more passive-aggressive than ever. Just remember who is in the right. Be a fool five times before you betray yourself. Make that fifty.
  • Stand your ground no matter what. I’ll see you on shop floors, smiling!

Entrepreneur, author and international speaker Robin Wheeler has launched the ‘Suing for Service’ campaign. Visit, and look out for news in the media.

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