Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Press Release : Entrepreneur sues big business for service

Entrepreneur, author and international speaker Robin Wheeler has launched a campaign called ‘Suing for Service’ in which he is confronting corporations publicly and legally to improve service levels.

Using his personal experience as a consumer, and his entrepreneurial expertise, Wheeler is taking big business to task in the media and, if necessary, in court for millions to ensure that they fulfill their brand promises.

The campaign is geared to stir up consumers’ awareness of their power to affect positive change.

Wheeler’s solution to the apathy and poor service levels is to use the spirit of enterprise to force service providers to improve. He has solid cases against a list of brands with whom he has had prolonged and consistently unacceptable service experiences. He is confronting them at the highest level, using his influence and insight to stand up to prevailing apathy and blatant bullying.

With the support of a top legal team, Wheeler is taking on:

  • Standard Bank
  • Siemens
  • CNA
  • Pick ‘n Pay
  • MTN
  • BlackBerry
  • ADT Security

and others. His approach is to cleverly coerce companies into doing what customers want and what the companies themselves claim to want but never make real effort to bring about.

“I will settle for nothing less than being thoroughly impressed,” Wheeler insists. “I do not accept apologies, they are cheap insults when consumer experiences do not improve. The only acceptable outcome is exemplary service. I am making it my job to ensure this win/win for all stakeholders.”

The campaign will extend to the police, the traffic department, and government departments. Wheeler will be speaking in the media, writing articles and books, and making television documentaries showing the problems, the solutions, and the power we have as consumers.

About Robin Wheeler

Wheeler coined the phrase ‘being yourself for a living’ in 1996 and has gone on to personify it, maintaining a strong, independent public voice by writing for the media and giving comment on radio and television.

Under the BEntrepreneurING brand, he leads various business units known for innovative outcomes across industries. These include corporate consulting, publishing and television production.

A fearless campaigner for self-actualisation as a business strategy, for consumer rights and wellbeing, and for the awakening of human consciousness, Wheeler is in the business of shifts. He has turned his attention to empowering the public to address the malaise of our day: poor service from highly profitable corporations and governments.

“Someone has to give consumers a voice. I have vast experience understanding business, pin-pointing problems, articulating vision, spurring people towards action, and keeping things simple. In this initiative, I am working for the broader community and making the offending service providers pay and transform.”

“This has been successful on a small scale and it is time now to take it national, to show the general population what can be done. I hold these companies and their staff personally responsible for customer experiences. We all need to stand for service and a healthier world,” Wheeler says.

“I am fed up and, frankly, so are most people. But they buckle under the seemingly impossible weight of the system. Well, I innovate instead. My intention is to stir up sentiments and direct them to win/win solutions.”

“No matter how educated or articulate you are, you have a voice,” Wheeler says. “Stand your ground. Let’s see to it that we all have an exemplary festive season in 2012.”

For interviews with Robin, contact:

For more information about Robin Wheeler, visit

For information about the ‘Suing for Service’ campaign, to read correspondence with offending service providers, and to contribute, visit

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